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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Buy Liberty Reserve in Nigeria: Websites That Exchange Naira For LR In Nigeria

Sometimes back, I shared with you how you can easily fund your Liberty Reserve account in Nigeria using FastEcash, but due to the temporay suspension of the LR service by FastEcash (as at the time of publishing this post), I decided to share with you alternative websites where you can buy Liberty Reserve Online in Nigeria.

There are many payment solution providers out there in Nigeria. The websites I am sharing with you below are just some of them and I am only sharing them with you for educational purpose. I am in no way affiliated to them and any business you do with them is at your own risk.  You can always give them a try with a small investment.

At these websites, you pay in Naira to their bank accounts and they will fund your Liberty Reserve account with the equivalent amount of LR. They always have a calculator on their sites, which enables you to calculate how many LR you get for the amount of Naira you want to pay.

Nigerian Liberty Reserve Exchangers

1. Epay    Nigeria :                             { You can even pay via ATM }
2. GoldNaira Exchange :      {Listed on LR website}
3. EPayment Service : 
4. Gold Nigeria  :      
5. ENaira:                 

Note: The order in which i list them above doesn't mean Number 1 is better than number 5. The numbering is useless. So, disregard it.

 If you have anything to share with regards to the listed websites above or you know other websites that exchange Naira for Liberty Reserve , feel free to use the comment form below this post.


I hope this info helps...

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