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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Windows Live Writer : Free Blogging Tool for Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad etc

If you are a blogger, I am sure you will like to have tools that will make your blogging experience worthwhile. Well, one of such tools is Windows Live Writer.

What is Windows Live Writer?

Windows Live writer is free blogging software which makes it easier for bloggers to publish content to their blog directly from the desktop. It supports many blogging platforms including Wordpress, Blogspot and Typepad. It is also known as WLW.  It is a WYSIWYG Editor i.e “What you see is what you get” Editor. This means whatever formatting or changes you apply to your posts, you will get the same preview on your blog.

I’m using it extensively for my blogger blog. It has numerous features  which make blogging easier for me . It gives me all the features which blogger dashboard gives me and many more which are not featured in the blogger dashboard.
Benefits of Using Windows Live Writer
  1. You can use it to manage multiple blogs.
  2. It auto saves your post as draft while composing  so that you can easily retrieve it in case of windows crash or any other error.

  3. It has image editing and enhancing features which add value to your post pictures. You can easily crop and resize pictures.

  4. You can use it while not connected to the Internet. All you just have to do is to compose and SAVE your post as draft. Once you connect to the Internet, you can easily publish the post and this saves a lot of time.

  5. You can easily make your links open in new windows.

  6. You can easily Schedule your posts.
There are still many other features of WLW, which I will write about in my future posts.

If you have not tried windows live writer, download windows live writer and give it a try. If you are already using it, kindly let me know what you feel about it.

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