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Monday 16 July 2012


Viral content is effective marketing for companies with a presence online. Viral content builds backlinks in short period of time with little effort. Backlinks can help drive traffic to your website by increasing the search engine ranking. There are several ways to create viral content, but keep in mind that it is rare that content goes viral. Here are some tips that may increase the likelihood of your content going viral:

1. Make it Unique, Amazing, Unbelievable or Borderline Absurd.

Viral videos often have some to the most unbelievable or absurd characters. The stranger or more amazing the occurrence is, the more likely it is to go viral. Create a unique character that has universal appeal. The character will be most effective if it makes people laugh, leaves people in awe or in shock. This will increase the brand recognition for the company. Be careful. If the character is ineffective, it could hurt your brand.

2. Focus on the Latest Trends.

By focusing on the latest trends, your company can capitalize on the most popular search terms. This will attract more visitors to your content and increase the opportunity for sharing. This process is effective for creating backlinks and traffic.
Google gives preference to fresh new content and ranks websites with fresh content higher. By focusing on the trends, your company will increase the likelihood of gaining a higher ranking in Google’s website.

3. Create a Catch Phrase.

Everyone loves repeating catch phrases. Companies need a “Where’s the beef?” type catch phrase to be successful. A recent and successful catch phrase is “Chuck Testa.” The name, for some reason, was funny to people, and the use of the phrase grew virally like a wildfire.
To determine the viral quality of a website, read the phrase aloud like a newscaster. If the sound makes you want to laugh or learn more about the product or service, it will be effective. If not, try something different. A test audience may also provide some input.

4. Infographics are Good Candidates for Viral Content.

Surfers love visually appealing graphics. Infographics are the most common types of online content shared online. Many people would rather learn about products, services, concepts or companies through infographics rather than text. Many people are impressed with the display of information and will share the information with their friends.

5. Influencer Buy-in Helps to Create Viral Content.

When content is endorsed by an authority in the field, more people are likely to recommend it to others. This can help to create viral content. Companies should build relationships with leaders in the industry and ask them to share the content with their followers. This will increase traffic and help to make the content viral.

Viral Content is Possible with Some Ingenuity

Creating viral content requires ingenuity. Very little content on the Internet has viral quality. Companies that can achieve viral quality are truly effective advertisers and will be able to create backlinks effortlessly.
Mitchell is an Online Marketing expert from Sydney, Australia. He has been in online marketing for over 10 years and has successfuly helped many of his clients to create viral content.

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